Blessed with the ideal climate and wide open spaces, New Zealand is the ideal country for pastoral farming which grows healthy livestock for the production of milk products and meat. New Zealand has just under 10 million hectares of grassland.
New Zealand farmers are amongst the most efficient and sustainable in the world. Our country of 5 million people produces enough animal food products to feed over 50 million people each year. Dairying is New Zealand’s largest industry with over half of our export earnings coming from the agricultural sector.
Our farming systems are predominately grass based, and our use of world leading technologies minimises labour input to generate maximum productivity and profitability. A sound reason to consider investing in our farming industry.
The world population is forecast to reach 8 billion by 2030. There is significant growth in China and India, where a huge middle class is emerging, and the consumption of protein (dairy and meat products) is steadily increasing. New Zealand is ideally situated on the Pacific rim to supply these emerging markets.
There is also a reduction in the amount of arable land available in the world. This is being reduced by urbanization and the competition of other crops. This shortage of productive land is likely to see upwards pressure on prices.
New Zealand is a world leader when it comes to dairy production. Our grass-based systems make us the most efficient producer in the world. Fonterra, our largest dairy producer, supples 1/3 of all cross-border dairy trade.
Farming is a backbone of our economy. RDNZ’s focus has been on farms in the proven farming regions in Southland. Working alongside local experts, our dairy farms focus on providing sustainable returns, and to enhance and protect the land that we farm on. Attention to detail and quality controls ensures successful farming operations from season to season.
242 ha established in 2014
Net Asset Value is $1.01 per share
Selling at $0.96 per share (5% discount)
Minimum purchase of 25,000 shares
Only open to NZ investors
349 ha established in 2005
Net Asset Value is $2.52 per share
Selling at $2.40 per share (5% discount)
Minimum purchase of 25,000 shares
413 ha established in 2008
Net Asset Value is $1.63 per share
Selling at $1.28 per share (21% discount)
Minimum purchase of 25,000 shares
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