Roger Dickie specialises in afforestation, contributing to New Zealand’s sustainably managed plantation forests, with the intention of protecting and enhancing the land

Sustainably Managed Forests

Responsible investment in forestry can help to support global climate goals and contribute to broader elements of sustainable development which deliver environmental, social and financial benefit.

Trees are the worlds lungs – our investment principles and practices adopted through managed production forestry and land provide the ultimate sustainable resource.

Healthy forest ecosystems produce and conserve soil, stabilise stream flows and water runoff. This improves water quality, reduces erosion and reduces the risk of natural disaster.

We are a member of the Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)

Growing a forest for production harvest means increased opportunities for employment in local communities. Sound management practices and silviculture provide opportunities right across the industry. The New Zealand Forestry sector is our third largest contributor to GDP. Harvesting practices ensure minimal impact to the soil.

Forests harvested across multiple rotations provide a sustainable, environmentally friendly alternative to traditional steel, concrete and petrol. These wood products provide raw materials for a number of essential products. Wood is always recyclable.

Riparian setbacks from significant natural areas and waterways ensures that wildlife can exist and be protected on our forested properties. Alternative species ensure that our forests are home to a diverse range of animals and insects.

Forestry As A Carbon Sink

Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in wood, leaves (needles), bark and roots.

Forestry is the most effective and cost-efficient capturer of CO2 - Offsetting emissions.

The amount of stored carbon in a forest is measurable. Stored carbon is claimed into the investors ETR account.

Government has established emission reduction targets as part of the Paris Agreement - Notably carbon neutral by 2050.

This target will be met by 1) reducing emissions, and 2) increasing net storage of CO2 (afforestation).

The Importance of Storing Carbon

Our carbon footprint, which is the total amount of gases released into the atmosphere from human activities has a warming impact on earth. In order to reduce this warming effect, we need to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions are the harmful biproduct of industrialised activities.

Trees are the most cost-effective remover of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it in its wood, leaves, bark and roots. Thus forestry contributes to positive climate change.

Our carbon footprint, which is the total amount of gases released into the atmosphere from human activities has a warming impact on earth. 

In order to reduce this warming effect, we need to remove carbon from the atmosphere. The most efficient method of capture is through photosynthesis from fast growing trees.

Carbon stored up in timber products (buildings, furniture etc) where forests are replanted and continue to capture more carbon is the ultimate tool to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases.

NZs Unique Carbon Advantage

Forestry investment plays a pivotal role in reaching New Zealand’s climate change goals.

The incrementally stored carbon dioxide in our forests can be sold via the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), a unique and diversified revenue stream in addition to traditional forestry investment.

The NZ ETS puts a price on emissions and provides incentives that will encourage sectors to search for the most efficient paths to lower net emissions across the economy and achieve our target of net zero emissions by 2050.

Forests are the most cost-effective capturer of greenhouse gases making further afforestation a primary leaver to help reach New Zealand’s target. The sequestered carbon is measurable and can be exchanged for carbon credits (NZ Units) and in turn sold to emitters and other buyers of NZ Units.

NZ Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)

The NZ Emissions Trading Scheme, established in 2008, recognises incrementally stored carbon in a forest.

Forest owners receive carbon credits (NZ Units) equivalent to the long-term ‘average’ carbon stock in the forest.

Forest owners may sell NZ Units (incrementally) up to the long-term average carbon stock in the forest without the requirement to repay NZ Units at harvest.

Emitters (transport/ manufacturing/construction/ electricity) must offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits (NZ Units).

A number of markets (exchanges and direct to market) exist to trade NZ Units (spot and forward).

New Zealand Carbon Price ($/NZ Unit)

Forests are the most cost-effective capturer of greenhouse gases making further afforestation a primary leaver to help reach New Zealand’s target.

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